Featured Shed – Week Of August 6, 2012

Featured Shed of the Week – Week of August 6, 2012

Chris and his wife were looking for a shed that would maximize the available storage space while leaving them with as much of their yard as possible.  What Shed Solutions designed for them was a 8′ x 12′ shed that fit nicely in the back left corner of their yard.  This portion of the yard was not used a lot and the main access point to the back yard was from the left side of the house.

This shed was built in a newer Southeast Calgary community in a medium sized yard.  Therefore, by positioning the shed in the back left hand corner of the yard tight to the fence lines it gave Chris and his wife easy access to the shed and maximized the size of the shed while using up as little of their yard as possible.

Come see one of Shed Solutions sales centres to have a custom shed like Chris’ designed for you.

Call us today – 1- 877 – 99 SHED 9

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